Health and Beauty

Brighten Your Smile With These Effective Teeth Whitening Strips


You can lighten the color of your teeth with teeth whitening strips. Using these strips will help you remove stains from your teeth. You may wonder how to incorporate the strips into your routine if you are new to using them. Let us know which product are we talking about!

Berkley Jensen Teeth Whitening Strips 

The teeth whitening strips are made with the highest-quality ingredients and are designed to work quickly and effectively to brighten your teeth in as little as one day. They’re also the only whitening strips that contain the powerful ingredient arbutin, which helps reduce the appearance of stains on your teeth without damaging them.

These are specially designed, easy-to-use strips that safely whiten teeth and help to prevent staining. There is no sensitivity, and they can safely be used over filed or bonded work, amalgams, and veneers as well. To get this product at an affordable price, go browse free Shopify alternatives


What is in the ingredients?


Berkley Jensen’s patented innovation includes the following special ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide (Safe on tooth enamel), Potassium Nitrate (Prevents tooth sensitivity), Agar Agar (Swells to coat entire tooth for maximum whitening), Propylene Glycol (Reduces dry mouth which helps the strips adhere to teeth longer).


Arbutin, an extract of the herb arbutus, has been used for centuries to whiten teeth and remove stains. arbutin works by breaking down stains and removing discoloration that causes dull, yellow teeth that can be difficult to disguise.* When compared to traditional whitening strips that contain a mixture of most chemicals, arbutin is gentle, effective, and a healthier choice.


The 14-Day treatment consists of 8 upper and 8 lower easy to fit strips. They are worn for two-hour periods, twice daily. After the very first application, teeth appear up to 5 shades whiter — and continue to brighten as your treatment progresses.


Precautions while using this product


  • A cap, crown, veneer, filling, or denture will not be whitened by this product. Dental braces should not be worn with this product. 
  • Ensure you consult your dentist before using this product if your teeth are undergoing dental work. 
  • This product should not affect most dental work. 
  • Tooth Sensitivity and Gum Irritation: Some people may experience tooth or gum sensitivity when using whitening products.
  •  Keeping out of reach of children is the best way to handle this condition. 
  • It is temporary and not harmful. 
  • Suitable for children over 12 years old but not for use on children younger than that age. Follow all directions carefully. Do not contact your eyes.




Thanks to this package, you not only get the best teeth whitening strips on the market, but you get expert advice and an extensive knowledge base to help you take better care of your teeth and gums. Using this product made my smile better and has proved to be a very healthy option for gums. The quality of the product was amazing. I really loved investing. I will continue using this whenever in need and I recommend people to go for it. 


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