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Outdoor Games For Your Kids

Now the time has certainly changed and so are our kids. Those days have gone when children were interested in playing outdoor games and parents used to worry about what time will they come back home. Now we can see children are most interested in watching youtube videos or playing online games on mobile phones and computers. Kids have made a long distance to outdoor games, they hate going out and playing with others, and they like their solitude when they start growing. But as we all know that it could be harmful to the development of the child because it hampers their physical growth and makes them sick. Sometimes we see that kids start wearing glasses from an early age because they spend their time on mobiles. It is necessary for parents that they play with their kids some outdoor games from the very beginning because only then they will take interest in the outdoor games when they grow up and they will not face any sort of physical problems. Here in this article, I am going to suggest some best outdoor games that will keep your child away from electronic gadgets you may visit alternatives to eBay for various options.

  • Mark Your Territory  

You must remember that we all played this game while growing up. Basically, in this game, you can gather some kids of similar age and divide them into two teams. You may fix a designated playing space and mark a line for each team. On “go” you may ask one kid to touch the line of another team and protect their own from another team whichever team touches the line first that team will win.

  • Hide and Seek 

This game is centuries years old and full of fun. In a similar manner, you may gather some  5 to 10 kids and ask 9 students to bide, and one student to find them. when he finds a kid he has to say I spy or if he fails to say and the others tag him then he has to find others again. While playing this game children will be thrilled and believe me they will ask to play it again and again.

  • Ice and Water 

This is a really easy game for the kids because this game requires 10 to 12 kids and divides them into two teams. You may ask the teammates on both sides to touch the opponent and say Ice then that person will freeze there instantly while the others would come and touch him and say Water then that frozen person will start moving. After this game, your children will get tired and take a good sleep 

  •  Cat and Mouse 

This game is also a group game, you may need some kids for this game. This game requires a larger playground. In this game identify one child to be a cat and the rest to be a mouse. The cat one will stand in the middle of the circle and all the mouse ones will make a circle around the cat. When the Cat will say mice, mice come out and play then the mouse will start walking towards the Cat and when the Cat yells  “Attack” then all the mice will start running and the cat has to touch as many as possible till the count of ten and he has to repeat it to catch others.

  • Make It 

This is a really simple game that does not need any instructions at all you just have to gather some students and choose one kid to be “it” and he has to follow others and catch and make one kid  “it”. Then the newly made it will make someone it and the process will continue. 

To keep your students away from the couch and bed, you have to make a kid yourself and play along with them and teach them all the games, only then they will take an interest.


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